June 2030.
Almost ten years ago I attended the RightsCon conference in Tunis in 2019. All that time I had a dream. A dream that every single person but especially every woman would have the choice of having access or not to the internet. Ten years ago it was as Katrin and Helene qualified it as “UTOPIAN”, inaccessible, irrealistic.
The democratisation of the internet came thanks to worldwide network coverage. It came also thanks to the devices that allow the safe use of the internet. Thanks to the individuals, believers, NGOs and advocates pressure was made and satellites were launched to cover every single square inch on the planet.
Nowadays, whistleblowers and feminists are still struggling, but come on, it’s nothing compared to what it used to be ten years ago. We can condemn persons who are committing infections or crimes against women.
No more internet blackouts are allowed. We’ve come from so far to let the gains off.
Fellows, the fight for feminist rights is not over.
And please dream.
This is how humanity makes steps.
by Wajdi Filali